Figure Sketch from life in a long time

Got to sketch out this tonight. Haven’t drawn or painted a person in a long while due to the pandemic and social distancing. Biggest challenge was a lot  of technical things  going through my mind and having to block then off to sketch with with a free mind . It’s good to think about the techniques too but my objective is always to do it without thinking about them. Things intruding my mind were whether I should start with straight line block ins for 2d shape focus , or should I build it inside out with more 3D approach with lines wrapping around forms . Should I sketch fast and spontaneous or take it careful and slow .. etc etc . Ideally I don’t want to settle to doing any of these things but kind of do them all . If  I don’t  think about them I kind of end up using them all as needed. Even if I was drawing with scribbles I’d still be drawing with straight line block ins as well as wrap around 3D form lines but just not visibly because obviously it isn’t possible to get all those in in one mark or line 

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