Paintings bringing back memories

I posted this painting last night and seeing it along with the date stamp on it is bringing me back memories from those times. It feels like it has been much longer than 14 years though. This must be one of the last paintings I did in my Jersey city attic studio during my last year there  . I was very poor then and didn’t even have a stool for the models to pose in so they all sat or lied on the floor on mats. That mat she’s sitting on was also what I used for bed . That’s refrigerator she’s leaning on. I also had mice roomies. But the models never complained . In fact, I’ve had a model that came and posed for me not long ago in my now nice studio but said she likes this crappy attic studio better and that she misses it. Back then I lived off rice and had small rice cooker lying around on the floor. I’d always make my models some rice and serve them along with crappy sides such as spam , ham, or grilled onions . I pan fried everything . They all always ate it so deliciously  . I guess they were hungry too 


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