Pencil sketch doodle

Scribbled a little pencil sketch selfie from the mirror just now. Trying to get a bit of practice before heading to bed. I haven’t had much time to draw and paint due to work. This is the case for many others having to work hard in life with little time to pursue their passion. Little pencil sketch everyday which can take just 5 minutes could help keep up with the skills however. Which I’m guilty of not having done. But finna try to moving forward and doodle something from life observation everyday. Such pencil sketch five minute doodle from life is actually more valuable than spending whole day, scratch that, whole week rendering copying from photos. So if you are in the same boat as me, let’s do this together and try and do a little pencil sketch from live observation everyday. It’s good to have sketchbook by your bed so even if you’ve had a very busy and tiring day, you can just scribbling a pencil sketch in your bed to sleep zzzzzz



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