Provisional Pencil drawing practice

Did this last night. It’s a provisional pencil drawing stopped at a lay in AKA block in. Since I don’t really use lines but shadings of scribbles, this is how it looks as a lay in. So it’s light overall, even lighter than this photo as camera captured of this pencil drawing. If I were to move on further I would first hit the darkest darks then shade out the values (shading ) from there trying to match the value shading relations as closely as possible to what I’m seeing. That’s actually what I do usually but lately I’ve been stopping at this stage because I don’t have much time to draw or paint and I can reserve more in-depth full value practice when I work on a painting. For this pencil drawing practice, I basically sketched in everything just as I see it but very lightly then after that hit the dark accents but not too dark either. I find it a very useful practice to try and achieve reality without using developed values (shadings). Values (shading) can often mislead you to think that your pencil drawing or a painting isn’t looking realistic enough because of it, causing you to waste time pushing the values or the contrast further, when usually it’s due to understructure being off 



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