Storing wet paint brushes in air tight containers or bags
If you are a lazy painter like me, you probably dread having to wash the paint brushes after each session . It’s can be a real pain in the butt especially when you’ve worked hard painting till late and just want to hit the hay. My favorite way to avoid washing the brushes is storing them in air tight bags. Actually it doesn’t need to be too air tight either and just keeping them in any plastic bags will surely keep them moist not only overnight but for many days. I’ve forgotten about them before and left them rolled in plastic bag for almost a week before and they were still moist . This works both for water based and oil painted brushes. I used to keep the oil brushes soaked in linseed oil in a box with inclined surface but it took a lot of linseed oil which can get pricy . Especially since linseed oil dries up sticky and have to refill it with large amount. Going to bed now and these brushes will be ready to get back to work tomorrow morning
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